The PUC of Christ occupies buildings erected in 1910 by CCC of Mount Hope. As designed by Hoppin & Koen of NYC, the Georgian- or Colonial Revival-style complex was built on an irregular plot on the northeast corner of The Bronx. In the center is the sanctuary that has a domed roof of tin, painted green, and an entrance framed by a tall portico with four columns. Above the portico is a square tower that originally had a tiered steeple. All of the buildings are of red brick with white wood trim. The circular auditorium including the balcony that could accommodate 370 people. Plans to add side galleries were never realized. Abutting the sanctuary on the north is the four bedroom parsonage. On the other side is the building containing an auditorium, gymnasium, and meeting rooms. The completed buildings were opened on September 18, 1910, and formally dedicated the next month.
Here is what it looks like today.