Wonder if it’s normal. I miss our talks. At least before we’d talk and get all our feelings out and sort of squared away for awhile, have a cry, a shoulder to lean on, then go on with the day. It’s be OK. Now all these feelings and things just go around in my head and never come out. No one to talk about it who could relate the same way. Ya sure as shit can’t ask someone that’s never been in your shoes and expect a good answer they just don’t know. I could ask my brother but I don’t. He’s a guy and his feelings would be different. Enough of rattling on about my wacked out feelings. I’m sure it’s the last thing you want or need to hear.
Well I’ve written another very long letter here. I hope one stamp is enough. If not I guess it’s no great loss. The letter will just come back and end up in the trash.
Like I said earlier, I’ll talk to Tom and force an answer out of him before the end of the week. Then I’ll let you know either by mail or phone.
Tell everyone hi from all of us. When you can, write me. Please take care and be happy. Miss you tons and again I hope I didn’t upset you. If I did I’m sorry. I just had to ask someone.
Love always.

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